Warren Buffett says
“In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you.”
“People calculate too much and think too little.”
“What’s dangerous is not to evolve.”
“To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it’s going to work, it’s not an experiment.”
“We are comfortable planting seeds and waiting for them to grow into trees.”
“What I knew from working in professional environments—from recruiting new lawyers for Sidley & Austin to hiring staff at the White House—is that sameness breeds more sameness, until you make a thoughtful effort to counteract it.”
“We Are What We Choose”
“Smart people are a dime a dozen and often don’t amount to much. What counts is being creative and imaginative.”
“We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details.”