For Power Snapchatters!

What do the hourglass and flame mean on Snapchat?
What does the Hourglass on Snapchat mean? As reminder of your expiring streak Snapchat shows an hourglass-emoji next to the fire-emoji.

What does the yellow heart mean on Snapchat?
Wondering what the yellow/golden or the red hearts on Snapchat mean? Learn when and how the show up.

Snapchat Debunked: What do "wcw", "HY", "IG", "ION", etc. stand for?
Snapchat is full of acronyms. Many of these leave newbies confused. Learn what the acronyms mean and how they are used on Snapchat.

How to know if someone blocked you on Snapchat
Are you confused because a friend on Snapchat just "disappeared"? Find out if you got blocked.

How to get more Snapchat Filters and Lenses
Without filters and lenses live would be boring on Snapchat. Find out how you can get more filters and lenses

How to screenshot a Snap without them knowing
Snapchat screenshotting isn't easy, you need to know how. Learn how to take a screenshot of a Snap without them knowing

What does "pending" mean on Snapchat?
Wonder when Snapchat shows "pending"? Learn when the pending message shows up in Snapchat and how you can fix the issue.