What does the yellow heart mean on Snapchat?

15 Sep, 2022

A red or yellow heart on Snapchat indicates the friendship level with a snapchatter. Snapchat's red heart shows that you have been the number one best friend to a snapchatter. And you have been best friends for at least two weeks.

While the yellow heart emoji indicates that you and a snapchatter have been best friends. The yellow heart shows on Snapchat irrespective of time, as long as you both contact yourselves the most.

The red and yellow hearts on Snapchat are both time and chat-frequency sensitive. Although the red heart shows a more serious friendship level than the yellow.

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What does the red heart on Snapchat mean?

Quick Answer: What is the red heart on Snapchat?

The color and type of Snapchat emojis displaying on the right side of your chat shows the friendship level you share with the other snapchatter. If that specific friend sends you most Snaps, Snapchat recognizes it. The red heart indicates a "best friend"-friendship level lasting for two or more weeks. You are best friends.

Snapchat recognizes the person you send snaps the most as your number one best friend. You can have a list of "best friends" people you send snaps to. But, Snapchat attaches red heart to the most contacted best friend.

The red heart will display as long as you are each other's number one best friend. And not only among a long list of occasional chatters.

What is the meaning of Snapchat's yellow/golden heart?

Quick Answer: What is the yellow heart on Snapchat?

The yellow or golden heart on Snapchat appears after the smiley emoji faces. The yellow heart indicates a specific level of friendship and interactions between snapchatters. But, the yellow heart shows a lower level of interactiveness between snapchatters.

The yellow heart indicates that you are number one to the person you share snaps with the most. In other words, you are your Snapchat's best friend's best friend.

The yellow heart means you both send each other snaps often. But, the snap sharing between yourselves hasn't been up to two weeks.

How to get a yellow/golden heart?

Snapchat: The yellow (or golden) heart in action

You will need to increase the number of snaps you send to a specific snapchatter. And hope that the particular snapchatter sends you snaps. The snaps you receive must be more than the ones sent to others. Soon after, the yellow/golden heart will appear after a while.

Why did my yellow heart disappear on Snapchat?

The yellow heart on your Snapchat disappeared because of a change of your or another person's interactions with the app. When you or another person you share a heart with, begins to exchange fewer snaps, the yellow heart will disappear.

How long does it take for the yellow heart emoji to disappear on Snapchat?

Generally, there is no exact time allocated to "how long" the yellow heart emoji will last once shown. If a yellow heart appears, after two weeks, it turns into a different color.

The exact time taken for a yellow heart to disappear or turn to a smiley emoji is uncertain. The precise time taken for this to happen depends on the chat frequency between the "best friends".

If the snap sharing between snapchatters becomes inconsistent, it might disappear within days. But, if both snapchatters regain consistent snap sharing, the yellow heart will remain. The yellow heart will last for at least two weeks.

What do the two pink hearts on Snapchat mean?

Snapchat's two pink hearts indicates a serious friendship level with a fellow snapchatter. Like the other colors (i.e. yellow and red), the pink heart states a higher level of friendship. And this friendship must be at the same level between the two snapchatters.

Snapchat: The Snapchat red hearts

The two pink hearts shows that you and another person on Snapchat have been each other's best friends for at least two months. Unlike the yellow and red colors, the two pink hearts happen in rarer conditions.

To have two pink hearts, you and a snapchatter must have sent snaps between yourself for at least two months. And both people must be each other's most contacted best friend on Snapchat. This indicates that Snapchat's "best friend" level rating has become more serious.

If I have a heart with someone on Snapchat, do they also have a heart with me?

A heart on Snapchat with someone shows that you both share the same level of interactiveness. In simpler words, Snapchat's hearts show your chat's frequency with a specific snapchatter.

This means that if you have a heart with anyone on Snapchat, the person will share the same emoji as you. Regardless of the color, whether yellow, red, or pink, you both will share the same heart.

So, yes, having a heart on a specific snapchatter works both ways. Both snapchatters receive the same heart and color, showing the best friends level.

According to Snapchat, this allows both parties to know each other's interactive level. Besides, judging from the idea causing the hearts to appear, it would make little to no sense for only one party to have visibility of the emoji.