Jeff Bezos about Leadership

“We are comfortable planting seeds and waiting for them to grow into trees.”

“Any business plan won’t survive its first encounter with reality. The reality will always be different. It will never be the plan.”

“We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details.”

“To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it’s going to work, it’s not an experiment.”

“We Are What We Choose”

“Stress comes from ignoring the things that you shouldn't be ignoring.”

“What's very dangerous is not to evolve”

“”You’ve worn me down” is an awful decision-making process. It’s slow and de-energizing. Go for quick escalation instead – it’s better.”

“What’s dangerous is not to evolve.”

“All businesses need to be young forever. If your customer base ages with you, you’re Woolworth’s.”

“A company shouldn’t get addicted to being shiny, because shiny doesn’t last.”

“No business can continue to shrink. That can only go on for so long before irrelevancy sets in.”

“The death knell for any enterprise is to glorify the past -- no matter how good it was.”

“Most decisions should probably be made with around 70% of the information you wish you had. If you wait for 90%, in most cases, you’re probably being slow.”

“We need big failures in order to move the needle. If we don’t, we’re not swinging enough. You really should be swinging hard, and you will fail, but that’s okay.”

“Maintain a firm grasp of the obvious at all times.”

“We can't be in survival mode. We have to be in growth mode.”