To view the jobs that you might have saved earlier on your profile, you need to click on "Jobs" located on the top of your homepage. Click on "My Jobs" in the navigation. You will be able to see all the job posts that you might have saved here. You can apply to the jobs directly from here.
Here's how you can access and manage saved jobs on LinkedIn:
To access the saved jobs, you need to follow the given simple steps:
Sign in to your LinkedIn account.
Click on "Jobs", located on top of your screen.
Select the "My Jobs" option. You will be able to see all the job posts you might have saved previously.
To manage the saved jobs on LinkedIn, follow these steps:
Access your saved job posts with the steps mentioned above. Now you can view each post individually and apply directly.
Once you are done with the application, you can remove the post. You can do so by clicking on "Unsave post", and make way for new posts.
How to view saved jobs in the LinkedIn mobile app?
For iOS and Android users both, the steps remain the same, i.e.:
Open your LinkedIn mobile app.
Click on "Jobs", located on top of your screen.
Select the "See my jobs" option. You will be able to see all the job posts that you might have saved previously.
How do I delete a saved job from LinkedIn?
Although there is no such option to delete the posts, you can easily remove the post from your saved list. You need to click on the "Unsave"-icon once again, and your post will be unsaved. It will be removed from the list as well.
Do recruiters see saved jobs on LinkedIn?
Your recruiter cannot see your saved jobs on LinkedIn. Nor any connection or current employee can see your saved jobs on LinkedIn. This feature is added purely for your convenience. You can bookmark posts and apply later.
Most of the job applications require you to answer questions in detail and submit documents as well. One cannot be able to type out long answers and carry required documents on their devices. Therefore, this feature exists to ease out the job application process.
You can save job posts to view later according to your convenience. You can view these job posts by following the simple steps, Jobs > My Jobs, from the top of your screen. You can manage your saved jobs' lists by adding more posts, applying directly from here and removing them once you are done. No recruiter, employer or connection can view your saved jobs.
If you are on the job hunt, it pays to understand how to work with recruiters too.